Wednesday, March 19, 2008

When knees collide:

A little knee on knee action from my last soccer game. I'm going to work on my bruise photography, because this picture does very little justice to the actual bruise. For some weird, creepy, freako reason I really like my bruises. Only the really good ones though. So I decided I'd start taking pictures for those of you who don't get to see my battle wounds in person. No, you don't have to thank me ... there are no strings attached. Just enjoy.


suburban hippie mama said...

I look forward to seeing more battle wounds :)

Unknown said...

When did you start playing soccer? I'm actually still playing and so does Stacey Rose (Dutton). By the way, for some freakish reason I enjoy my bruises as well. I bruise VERY easily so they are much of a rarity, but I love them anyway.