Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Turkey Cookie

It's Tuesday, so Peanut & went to Chick-fil-A for their Family Night. She decorated this cute little turkey cookie.
We are getting ready for a trip to visit my Mom and family & friends in that area. I've got tons of laundry to get to and our packing to be done. Yuck! What's really bad is I have to break out the sweaters & stuff as a cold front is coming to town when we get there.
I'm pretty excited to get to see everyone, but there will have to be good planning to get everything accomplished. The number one priority will be for my Mom & I to finish Grandma's scrapbook we "gave her" for her birthday. What's funny is, I think the only part of the book to be finished are the pages about our family. We got all the other aunts, uncles & cousins pages taken care of & ran out of time & ideas for ours. So, several months later hopefully we'll be ready to take care of business. We both really love to scrap so that will be fun ... but it is time consuming. Then of course, there's the visiting. We'll have lots of visiting to do. It'd be fun to squeeze in some shopping & maybe that new Disney movie, Enchanted (Peanut has told me several times it release date; 11/21).
Okay, well, I just thought I'd take a minute & give today's scoop ... now we've got to tackle that laundry! We?!? HA! I'm sooo funny.

1 comment:

*Merry Girls* said...

I am so glad that you are coming "home" for the holidays. I love the cookie turkey. I hope we get a chance to visit during your busy scedule.

Yep, you are funny! LoL!